Kinesiology Session

1.5 hours session one on one session: In a Kinesiology session I use muscle monitoring to find the source of the imbalance within your body. We will explore the link between your emotional beliefs and physical dis-ease in your body. We will then work through a series of gentle processes to clear the negative belief or feeling in your body. This will enable you to move through any blocks that have been holding you back from living your best life. I can also support you to explore and implement wellbeing practices into your everyday life.

Currently Practicing: Liebe Wellness 258 Maribyrnong rd, Moonee Ponds Vic 3039 Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Other days by appointment

Spinal Energetics

Spinal Energetics is a modality developed by Chiropractor and Counsellor Dr Sarah Jane. It is a practice that combines Eastern and Western thought, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.

Each living being is not just a physical form but also a being of energy. Energy encompasses each of our aspects; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul: Woven together with our ancestry, experiences, stories, personality, and character.

Energy is a spectrum from underactive to overactive. As Spinal Energetics practitioners, we intend to support our clients in meeting the middle path of homeostasis; balance, as we believe that wellbeing is each person’s birthright.

Through light yet powerful touch (and often no touch), an organic flow of movement and sound begins and progresses to shift, unwind, discover and release tension, resistance, and stories that may have been stored in the body. The movements and sounds are natural and primordial, they are a response to the treatment and are driven by an individual’s energy, intuition and instinct.

Spinal Energetics is not something we ‘do’ to a client, it is a practice of collaboration to cultivate and support deep self-awareness in our clients to help them soften and-or strengthen patterns of resistance and-or submission that may be preventing wellbeing from flowing to them.

Influenced by various modalities, such as Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release and Pranayama. With the incorporation of philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions

Currently Practicing: Liebe Wellness 258 Maribyrnong rd, Moonee Ponds Vic 3039 Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Other days by appointment

Tween Kinesiology and Wellbeing

1-hour session: Kinesiology, meditation and wellbeing: 9-13: This age can be an awkward time for some kids. Their bodies are changing, as are their friendship groups, and starting high school is a big change as well. Kinesiology and wellbeing tools can support children to go through these life changes with flow, ease and confidence. A kinesiology session can support to child to overcome their issues and concerns in a supportive a gentle environment.

Currently Practicing: Liebe Wellness 258 Maribyrnong rd, Moonee Ponds Vic 3039 Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Other days by appointment

Kids Kinesiology and Well Being

45-minute session 0-8: Kinesiology, meditation and wellbeing

Kinesiology has a positive impact on the physical and emotional health of children. It can help with learning issues, anxiety, stress, self-esteem and general wellbeing. A kid’s session will include a kinesiology balance and tools like meditation and journaling, that can be used at home to support the child’s wellbeing.

Currently Practicing: Liebe Wellness 258 Maribyrnong rd, Moonee Ponds Vic 3039 Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Other days by appointment

Crystal Kinesiology Session

1.5 hours session: Crystals are a powerful tool to use in a Kinesiology Session. The energy of the crystals helps the client to realign into ease and flow in a subtle yet powerful way. In this session I will use muscle monitoring to choose the appropriate crystals for you to work with and we will explore the deeper meaning and healing energy of each crystal, and why that crystal has chosen you. These sessions will also include a chakra realignment. Each client will also be given their own personalised 10ml crystal and essential oil anecdote bottle to work with at home.

Currently Practicing: Liebe Wellness 258 Maribyrnong rd, Moonee Ponds Vic 3039 Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Other days by appointment